Saturday, January 14, 2017

Blog Spotlight

Instead of reviewing a book today, I want to spotlight two blogs that belong to friends/coworkers of mine.
  Charley Bears Does Life is an adorable blog written by Charley (with help from his mom). Charley is new to the blogosphere and will chronicle his life with his fur-sister Sky and his human parents. I look forward to reading about his doggie delights and adventures!

Photo courtesy of Charley and his mom is owned by C. Neil Davenport, an aspiring writer, photographer, actor, and film maker who wants to change the world through the art of film. I look forward to reading (and watching) Neil's journey too.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, suit
Photo courtesy of C. Neil Davenport

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Image result for the 5 languages of appreciation in the workplace

Title: The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace
Author(s): Gary Chapman and Paul White
Genre: non-fiction, leadership, management, work relationships, personality, work issues

This book was recommended reading in one of the librarian Facebook groups I belong to. I decided to read it since I enter a mid-level management position back in July and I co-supervise a staff of 11 who have myriad personalities, ages, and cultural backgrounds. Gary Chapman is most famous for his series of books about The Five Love Languages (a book I make sure to gift to newly married couples). The Five Love Languages are Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Physical Touch, Quality Time, and Tangible Gifts. The Love Languages series has focused on love languages between spouses and between parents and children; it was interesting to see how these languages are used and viewed in a workplace setting. As in his other Languages books, Chapman is concise in his writing style and real- world examples are used to drive home the points made in this book.