Saturday, December 14, 2019

2020 Reading Challenge

Not my book pile, but it feels like it...
(Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash)

I normally don't make New Year's resolutions for myself (for a variety of reasons) or participate in reading challenges (too limiting, not enough time, etc.), but this year I want to try a different kind of reading challenge: the MountTBR Challenge.

TBR? That stands for To Be Read and like most book hoarders lovers, I have amassed quite a pile books over the past few years. Due to my busy schedule of family, work, school, life, sometimes my bookshelf gets neglected...

My personal goad within the MountTBR Challenge is to complete the Pike's Peak level (12 books). I feel that one book a month from my bookshelf is a realistic goal with my schedule and lifestyle. I will post updates on challenge progress, so stay tuned!

Interested in participating in a reading challenge for your own? Check out these lists for ideas: