Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Title: The Raven Boys
Author: Maggie Stiefvater
Genre: YA paranormal fiction

Blue Sargent is from a lower, middle-class family that is composed of psychics, yet she has no psychic ability herself; instead she is an "amplifier." Blue's mother, Maura Sargent uses Blue's non-ability every year on St. Mark's Day to take note of the townsfolk who are going to die in the coming year. Usually this is a non-dramatic event, but this year a raven boy is among the dead. A "raven boy" is Blue's nickname for the rich and privileged boys who attend Aglionby Academy. Blue usually stays away from boys, especially raven boys, because of a dire prediction she has heard all her life: she will kill her true love with a kiss. Yet, Blue drops her Aglionby prejudice and becomes close to a raven boy (Adam) in order to help the soon-to-be-dead raven boy (Gansey).

Gansey has his own agenda for attending Agliony Academy in tiny Henrietta, Virginia, and it's not for the top-quality, Ivy League education. After a near-death experience introduces him the mysterious Welsh king, Owen Glendower, Gansey has used his spare time and family's wealth to hunt down clues to find the long dead king and Henrietta is located on a ley line (which are useful for waking dead kings).

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